51 research outputs found

    Triple play as a separate market? Empirical findings and consequences to broadband market definition

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    Double and triple play bundled offers are common phenomena in many national communication markets. However the overall market context, technological background of provision, the level of facility based platform competition and strategic role of the bundled offers seems to be different in national markets. There is clear challenge to the current European regulatory approach to broadband markets, which is treated as a separate market on its own. If there was a separate market for the bundled product, the whole market analysis and remedy system had to be adapted to this market reality. Testing the (triple play) bundle the market hypothesis is the logical and necessary first step to address this issue. We designed and conducted an empirical study supported by the Hungarian Competition Authority in order to address these questions. A special, situation adaptive questionnaire design was applied in order to get the possibly best informed and adequate stated preference reactions to a 10% price change. We used the cri ical loss test for market definition, testing whether there is a separate market for triple play bundles. Results indicates that the market definition question whether bundle has to or could be considered as a separate relevant market can be answered using well designed survey techniques. Many clues support the hypothesis that the triple play bundle in 2010 indeed was a separate relevant market. --triple play,double play,multi-play,bundle,market definition,SSNIP test,consumer survey,stated preference approach,critical loss

    The Impact of Network Sharing on Competition: The Challenges Posed by Early versus Mature 5G = A mobil hálózatmegosztás hatása a versenyre: a korai és érett 5G támasztotta kihívások

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    Substitutability between fixed and mobile telephone services

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    Competition policy issues in mobile network sharing

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    Poorly differentiated synovial sarcoma is associated with high expression of enhancer of zeste homologue 2 (EZH2)

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    Background: Enhancer of zeste homologue 2 (EZH2) is a polycomb group (PcG) family protein. Acting as a histone methyltransferase it plays crucial roles in maintaining epigenetic stem cell signature, while its deregulation leads to tumor development. EZH2 overexpression is commonly associated with poor prognosis in a variety of tumor types including carcinomas, lymphomas and soft tissue sarcomas. However, although the synovial sarcoma fusion proteins SYT-SSX1/2/4 are known to interact with PcG members, the diagnostic and prognostic significance of EZH2 expression in synovial sarcoma has not yet been investigated. Also, literature data are equivocal on the correlation between EZH2 expression and the abundance of trimethylated histone 3 lysine 27 (H3K27me3) motifs in tumors. Methods: Immunohistochemical stains of EZH2, H3K27me3, and Ki-67 were performed on tissue microarrays containing cores from 6 poorly differentiated, 39 monophasic and 10 biphasic synovial sarcomas, and evaluated by pre-established scoring criteria. Results of the three immunostainings were compared, and differences were sought between the histological subtypes as well as patient groups defined by gender, age, tumor location, the presence of distant metastasis, and the type of fusion gene. The relationship between EZH2 expression and survival was plotted on a Kaplan-Meier curve. Results: High expression of EZH2 mRNA and protein was specifically detected in the poorly differentiated subtype. EZH2 scores were found to correlate with those of Ki-67 and H3K27me3. Cases with high EZH2 score were characterized by larger tumor size (≥5cm), distant metastasis, and poor prognosis. Even in the monophasic and biphasic subtypes, higher expression of EZH2 was associated with higher proliferation rate, larger tumor size, and the risk of developing distant metastasis. In these histological groups, EZH2 was superior to Ki-67 in predicting metastatic disease. Conclusions: High expression of EZH2 helps to distinguish poorly differentiated synovial sarcoma from the monophasic and biphasic subtypes, and it is associated with unfavorable clinical outcome. Importantly, high EZH2 expression is predictive of developing distant metastasis even in the better-differentiated subtypes. EZH2 overexpression in synovial sarcoma is correlated with high H3K27 trimethylation. Thus, along with other epigenetic regulators, EZH2 may be a future therapeutic target

    Magyar festészet - francia festészet, 1905-1914. (Magyar "neósok" és fauve-ok) = Hungarian art - French art, 1905-1914. (Hungarian "neos" and fauves)

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    A kutatás, a XX. századelő (1904-1914) európai és magyar művészetének egy mindeddig feldolgozatlan fejezetét tárta fel. Megvalósult a magyar "fauve képek" és a velük rokon francia művek felkutatása és összeírása, a magyar fauve festészet történetének feltárása és feldolgozása, valamint a kiállítások kronológiájának összeállítása, a párizsi művészeti iskolák, szalonok és kiállítások, a Párizsban lakó magyar művészek címeinek kiderítése, általában véve a francia festészet magyar vonatkozásainak feldolgozása, a francia- magyar művészeti kapcsolatrendszer feltérképezése. A kutatás eredményei, a francia hatásokat és a magyar műveket együttesen bemutató, "Magyar Vadak" c. kiállítás (Magyar Nemzeti Galéria, 2006. márc. 22.-júl. 30.) és a kiállítás katalógusában a kutatók által írt bevezető és az egyes művészek munkásságát értékelő tanulmányok megírásával, a kiállított művek bemutatásával és jegyzékével váltak hozzáférhetővé a szakma és a nagyközönség számára. A katalógus magyarul és angolul jelent meg, így a nemzetközi kutatók számára is hozzáférhetővé vált. Megvalósult, a kiválasztott időszak feldolgozott anyagának számítógépre vitele és a korszak francia-magyar művészeti kapcsolatait bemutató adatbázis kiépítése - kronológia, művészeti topográfia (kiállítási helyszínek, műtermek, művészeti iskolák, stb.). Elkészült egy 267 tételt tartalmazó műtárgylista, ill. egy, a fényképeket tartalmazó CD. 2006 szeptemberében került sor a Magyar Vadak-kal foglalkozó szakmai konferenciára is. | The research has opened a new, hitherto unknown chapter in art history of European and Hungarian art at the beginning of the 20th century. It has been successful not only in identifying, finding and registering Hungarian "Fauve" paintings and French ones related to them, but also in revealing and elaborating the history of Hungarian Fauve movement, in establishing the chronological order of its exhibitions, in detecting adresses of Paris art schools, saloons and exhibitions, and of Hungarian artists living in Paris, and also in revealing the complex relationship between French and Hungarian painting in general. The final outcome was the exhibition on Hungarian Fauve painting organized by the Hungarian National Gallery (22th of March - 30th of July, 2006). The scientific results of the research were summed up in the catalogue, in the introductory essays, in studies on individual artists and in the catalogue entries. It was published both in Hungarian and English, so accessible to wider international scientific forum. The collected documentative matherial has been digitalized, with a data basis on the French and Hungarian influences of the given period, containing chronoly, topography of places of exhibitions, studios, art schools etc. A list of art works containing 267 items with a photographic documentation on CD. In September 2006 a scientific conference on Hungarian Fauve painting has been organized